Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Phone Dump

She may be a princess, but she is not above mowing the lawn.

Enjoying her "tea" and a chocolate covered pretzel at Karys' princess party.

Stocked up on diapers at the Babies 'R' Us sale.

30 weeks and a few days!

Just one example of why I almost always have Presley's hair up.

Showing of her super cute rain shoes from my Uncle, Aunt, and cousins.

Presley smashing Brooks head into the table.

Don't they make the cutest couple!?! Not to worry, we will make her start wearing pants around boys in a few years.

On the monorail with Karys' and Carston at the Dallas zoo.

P and K enjoying a little snack during the ride.

Another great week has come and gone! Despite some major rain, we still got a few gorgeous days to play outside.