Sunday, March 11, 2012

Help Me Mommas!

I need your help, Mommas! Even though I can technically call myself a been there done that Mom now, I still feel lost. I'm trying to get all the things we will need for Harper. Yes, this is #2, but you would be surprised how much you still need to buy (or at least it took me by surprise)!!!

So, I want your suggestions on everything. What are your favorite bottles, pacifiers, double strollers, nursing pads, breast milk storage containers, nursing bras, video monitors for 2, crib mattresses, etc.? Is there anything that you use/used that you love? If you get sec, please let me know. 

Thank you so much! Your help is much appreciated.

and a random picture because what fun is a post without one???


Brittani said...

Our favorite botles were the Breastflow bottle by First Years.
They worked better with his reflux. I think mom bought the starter set for about $35 at Buy Buy Baby. You are welcome to try mine if you want (either brand) we used the Tommy Tippee once he was older which I like too.

Storage bags...which I used ALOT of...favorite was Lansolin. I liked them because they freeze flat and take up less space, also cheaper. I only had a 5 or 6 break over 9 months.

anika♥Lee said...

Goodness, this is a toughie. I can't think of anything, for the life of me and now feel like a dummy. ;) It's so easy to forget every little thing you need for little babies again!!!! hopefully you will post what you decide on so that I can keep that in mind for when we get around to #2, too! :)

B said...

We used the Playtex Wide bottles, and I was happy with them (though Ava rarely would take a bottle). Also? I used the Lansinoh storage bags, and felt they were better than the other three brands I tried at one point or another :)

One thing that I use for Hattie but didn't have for Ava is an Ergo. If you don't have one, get one! So much easier on your back than the other two carriers I had (Bjorn and Sling).

Anonymous said...

Hey Ashlie!
Blast from the past (college classmate). I stumbled upon your blog awhile back and *LOVE* seeing your pictures of your sweet P. I just recently had baby number 2 (Valentine's Day Baby) and am using the Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature bottles. They are very easy for little one to use when a bottle is needed. I'm exclusively bf, and she had no problems using this bottle.
Also, another thing that has come in handy while chasing a toddler and hanging onto a newborn is the Moby Wrap. If you don't have one and have never heard of it, look it up. It is a comfortable way to tote the baby around when she is fussy and wants to be held and your other is demanding lunch, drink, snack, etc.
I'm excited for you! Being the mother of 2 is a whole new wonderful ball game.
~Kathy (from your SWT education classes at Kyle Elementary)