Tuesday, July 31, 2012

From 1 to 2: Adjusting to Harper

Let me begin by describing what it was like for me when Presley was born.
She was my first and I was so in love with her. However, I don't think I enjoyed her as much as I should have. I was so caught up with doing things by the books. My life was constantly timing feedings, trying to keep a schedule, and following all the baby book rules. You want to know where it got me??? No where. Instead, I was just a nervous first time Mom trying to keep up.

This time around it has been wonderful. I just enjoy Harper so much! Don't get me wrong, I love them both equally. Yes, there is enough room in your heart to love both in case you were wondering. It's incredibly wonderful and scary how much love your heart can hold.
With Harper,  I can barley remember when I fed her last, and I definitely can't remember which side to start on. I don't care about her taking a bottle from time to time or if she gets the exact amount of recommended tummy time. I'm relaxed and just enjoying all of her sweet squishy goodness.

With Presley, I think I was also adjusting to loosing all my "me" time. It was hard going from a care free married couple to all of a sudden having this massive responsibility. I was so done by the end of the night that I just wanted Presley in her bed. Now at the end of the night, I keep Harper sleeping on my chest.  I also keep her in my bed after she wakes up for her first night time feeding, GASP! I love that cuddle time we get together. This time I know how fast it goes.

Seriously, this newborn stuff has been easy! It's the combination of the two girls together that makes things a little more complicated, but I'm beginning to get the hang of it. Everyday I feel more and more blessed when I look at my little family. 


Heather said...

love this! i am so scared of #2 and this made me feel so much better! i too took Hadlea for granted the first time around. I cannot wait for #2 and to share the experience with Hadlea. thanks for sharing!

anika♥Lee said...

This is wonderful to hear!!! So glad you are enjoying little Harper. :) How sweet... !!!!

Emily said...

I love this too. :-)

Makes me much less anxious and more excited for baby girl to get here. I definitely understand about how the time flies and hope this means I'll be more relaxed and just enjoy her. Thanks for the encouragment!

And...because I'm asking everyone - where do you get P and H's hair bows and headbands? The little flower one is too cute!

B said...

Aww! I know everyone worries about whether or not they'll love the second as much as the first, so it's always nice to hear firsthand that it's a natural thing!

I am with you on why it would be less stressful in the newborn phase with a second. With taking Ava to work with me, I was also pretty lax on schedules, etc - I can only imagine how i'd be with a second!!

Richeson's Hiatus said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING! True testiment that it can be done and it's not that bad, actually enjoyable. If you asked me in wk 4 if I loved newborn I would have told you OMG NO...this is hard. But at week 6 I felt like I could do this again. But I think I experienced what you did, wrapped up in the semantics of the do's and don'ts. It's good to hear that I'm not alone.

Love that precious picture of Harper...such a gorgeous girl!