Monday, July 30, 2012

Rock On!

This little tiny platform called a "Rock On" has been my saving grace as of late. Harper is too young to go to the childcare at my gym (and I wouldn't want her there that young either), so my instructor said I could bring her to class. Of course, Harper does not enjoy her car seat when the car isn't moving, so I didn't think I would be able to attend. Then my friend, Truly, introduced me to this amazing little hands free baby rocker. Harper loves it and so does Mama! Here is a quick video I made showing you how it works. This really is so great. I just wish I'd thought of it first. 

By the way, you can buy it on sale right now from One Step Ahead.


B said...

Wow! Where was that two and a half years ago?! Ha!

Heather said...

yep! needed that a couple years ago! :) isn't that they way it usually works?!