Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why, Oh, Why?

It's finally happened.

Presley has hit the stage of "why"?

I think this might be the death of me...

Everything I tell her is followed by "why". I'm trying really hard to not use the "because I said so" line. It's really hard though.  Most of the time I try and turn it around on her and ask her to tell me "why". Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that she wants to know about things and is showing signs of higher level thinking, but I can only take so many "why's" in one day. Here is an example of the conversation we had earlier:

Presley: What's that noise, Mommy?
Me: It's the air conditioner kicking on.
Presley: Why?
Me: Because it's hot outside and it's keeping us cool.
Presley: Why?
Me: Because if we get too hot we will be sweaty and not feel good.
Presley: Why will we not feel good?
Me: If we get too hot it can make our bodies overheat and then we will feel tired and yucky like when we play on the playground for too long.
Presley: Why will we feel yucky?
Me: Because... Because...You tell me why, Presley.

and this is how all conversations go in our house these days.

(I'm very sad to say I haven't read anybody's blog in a really long time. I hope to catch up on everyone's lives one day).


Richeson's Hiatus said...

Catch 22...I can't wait to reason with G...but I know I will also be going batty w/ the WHY's and HOW's.

...good answer mommy!

anika♥Lee said...

I am with ya, girl. B is in that same little stage and it is interesting sometimes!!!! But B does mix it up and says things like "What does that mean?" lol lol SO inquisitive :)