Friday, July 27, 2012

Harper: 2 Months

Holy Moly! How has 2 months passed already?? What an incredible blessing my sweet Harper girl has been. We love you to the moon and back, little one.

Here is what Harper has been up to during Month 2:
  • Finally starting to share her voice with us. Her coo's are so sweet, but she has been stingy with them up until this past week. She is still a major grunter though.
  • Still absolutely loves bath time and the water in general. Just the sound of running water will calm her. She also had her first experience in Mimi and Daddy Bob's pool this month.
  • She adores getting her nightly massage. That's when I get the most coo's out of her.
  • Gives us tons of huge grins. She is the smiliest baby!
  • is in size 1 diapers, but probably not for too much longer.
  • wearing 0-3 and some 3-6 months. We are officially beyond newborn.
  • Still spitting up a ton, but her liquid Zantac has helped her so much! She is so much more relaxed and happy.
  • Can hold things in her grasp. This includes hair which Presley is not so happy about.
  • Loves sucking on her fist or mine or whoever's is the closest available.
  • Rolls from her tummy to her back.
  • Harper has experienced her first car ride to Houston and did so fabulous!
  • Sleeps close to 7 hours most nights then goes back to sleep after her 6:30 feeding until around 9:30-10am.
  • still nursing every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the day.
  • Loves her snuggle bunny swing now that it rocks from side to side instead of front to back. She also loves sitting up in the bumbo.
  • Has some strong legs. She is always pushing off my tummy with them to "stand" herself up.
  • blows tiny little spit bubbles (Presley made so many spit bubbles her whole front half would be wet).
  • Is balding old man style; thin on the top, thick round the sides and back. There isn't a bow big enough to help homegirl's hair do! 
  • Loves her big sister so much. All Harper has to do is look at Presley, and she is all smiles.
Unfortunately, Harper had to get 3 shots on her 2 month birthday. Poor thing! She cried for just a bit ,and then went right to sleep. I thought everything was fine until she woke up screaming uncontrollably from her afternoon nap. After a dose of tylenol, She was back to her normal happy self.
Here are her 2 month stats:
Height: 22.5 inches/ 50th percentile
Weight:11.6 lbs./ 50th percentile
(I can never remember the head measurement. Sorry, H!)


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Harper
