Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy 30th Birthday, Brandon!

The hubs finally hit the wonderful dirty thirty! Yes, I am the older woman in this relationship. Technically, his birthday was on July 9th so this post is super late. Sorry, babe!

Unfortunately, Brandon's 30th landed on a Monday, yuck! However, my Mom was here so we got to go out to celebrate, just the two of us. I Made reservations for us at the Capitol Grille and the food was ah-mazing. If you have one by you, you must get the lobster macaroni!!!

Presley was super excited about "throwing Daddy a birthday party", so we had another celebration the next day. While on pinterest, I came across the recipe for Dr. Pepper cake. Brandon is addicted to Dr. Pepper (I am so not joking, y'all), so I thought this would be the perfect cake. P did a great job helping...and making a major mess.

And this face is a direct result of tasting unsweetend cocoa powder when Mommy specifically warned her not to. It must have been pretty bad because P wouldn't taste anything else the rest of the time. She even refused to lick the spoon!

The finished product!

and now for the best part: lighting the candles, blowing them out, and EATING the cake!

Seriously, people, my daughter does where pants from time to time. I promise. By the way, her clothing choices were completely hers. Just sayin'.

We ended the night with a little present opening. Brandon got very mature gifts this year since he was turning 30; storage for his tools and an organizing rack for the garage.

Presley revealing Daddy's present

My Mom (the one that's been behind the camera), the birthday boy, and Harper

Happy happy birthday, Brandon! We love you soooooo much! You are the greatest, bestest, most wonderful husband and father anyone could ask for.


B said...

So how was the cake? And where can we find the recipe? :)

Happy belated, Brandon!