Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday Phone Dump

Oops! I'm a day late, but that's pretty much how it is these days.

We road tripped it to Houston this past week, so the rest of my family could meet Harper. Presley and Harper were amazing on the car ride. I will have a much more in depth blog about our week in Houston, but here is a little sneak peek.

Harper crashed out on my cousin, Katie.
My sister in law, Brooke, was able to stop in and say hello. 

 My sister making Harper smile.

My cousin, Kallie, with Presley. They look like they could be sisters.

Presley and Harper had on the cutest matching outfits, but Presley refused to pose for me.  At least you can see them in the pic above and below.

Jackson holding Miss H

Between Jackson and Presley, we had to get out of the house. We went to Katy Mills Mall and played on all the fun things there.
Presley in the hurricane simulator

Crashed in Mimi's stroller! This is the 4th time she has ever fallen asleep in a stroller EVER!

Harper tagged along in the Beco. I carry her in this all the time, and she usually can't keep her eyes open in it. I just happened to look down and found these big blue eyes peeking up at me.

We made it back from Houston safe and sound. The girls were great once again, but I got a speeding ticket. My first one in over 8 years, boo! Anyway, we have been spending as much time as possible outside in the mornings before it gets too hot. Both of my ladies love riding in the double stroller up to the park.

Harper is usually crashed out by the time we get there. 
Presley making her Monster face. 

and for some random pics...

Harper's first time in the bumbo.

 She smiles so much!!! I love it. Too bad Presley has decided she wants nothing to do with the camera anymore:(.

Just a glimpse into my life. This is the result of trying to do too much too fast with too many things in my arms. 

My parents brought us back wine and champagne from their trip to the wine country in California. I thoroughly enjoyed my souvenir!


Emily said...

I, too, can count the number of times Asher has fallen asleep in the stroller. Big event! I love Harper's smiles! Ash is terrible about posing for me now so I'm hoping when the new baby comes he'll have a change of heart. Likely, I know. :-)