Thursday, September 6, 2012

1st Day of School: MDO {year 2}

Presley has officially begun her second year of Mother's Day Out! She was so excited to go that I got her to smile for the camera (those days are becoming few and far between). Brandon and I dropped her off together just like last year. Only this time, there was no hesitation on her part. She walked straight in  and never looked back. I didn't even get to tell my baby goodbye. I'm so thankful that she loves her school, but I was the tiniest bit sad she didn't even kind of want to stay with me. Oh well, I guess I better get used to it. I'm so proud of my big girl!


Richeson's Hiatus said...

LOVE THE OUTFIT MOMMY! So cute! What a big girl walking in with no hesitation. I know it seems crazy but those days will be here before we know it for Harper & G.

Heather said...

She looks SO big! Glad she loves it! It can be so stressful if they don't! :)